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The DIY influence came from my parents. I watched and helped them transform each of our homes to their personal style. My dad, a fine woodworker, built our dressers, head boards, book shelves, kitchen cabinets, coffee tables, you name it- he made it. My mother, a gardener and sewer, taught me how to make my first dress at 8 years old. She always urged me to play outside or help her in the garden. I now know the seeds they were planting.


I went to college during the recession and decided to learn about the business of selling- fashion merchandising. After attaining my BS from the University of Minnesota, I realized that I had been trained to work in the corporate world- a place I did not feel comfortable with. I began selling vintage and upcycled clothing on Etsy and worked at a coffee shop in the Northeast Minneapolis arts district for a few years. Much of my growth at this time came from collaborating with working artists and this is when I rediscovered my love to simply MAKE.


Today, I work for Tread Light- a small family business that specializes in handstitched leather moccasins and sandal-making. I build most of their stock, professionally photograph their product, fill specialized orders, maintain their social media, and keep the showroom quirky with displays and thriving plants. My time at Tread Light has exposed me to the various roles you must fill in order to grow. 


With my love of vintage, comes a love for old crafts like macrame. By reading books and watching tutorials, I taught myself how to use macrame as a form of art. Though I've only explored wall hangings and plant hangers so far, I see a lifetime of discovering the beauty and utility of macrame. 






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